The thought of a termite infestation is enough to make any Australian homeowner squirm. According to the Victorian Building Authority, termites cause more damage to our homes than fire, floods and storms combined! And, as we all know, the usual home insurance policy doesn’t cover pest damage. Join the ever-increasing group of builders who are making it standard practice to sell their clients “peace of mind” with a cost effective and guaranteed solution—a termite treated timber house frame.
Termite Treated Blue Pine
Protecting homes from the inside out, termite treated blue pine gives homeowners a sense of security and reduces the need for regular treatments with costly chemical sprays.
Sourced from preferred supply partners to Dahlsens, Timberlink with Timberlink Blue and Hyne Timber with Hyne T2 Blue, the framing timber is safe for both humans and animals.
It is treated with a non-hazardous active ingredient commonly found in household products including head lice shampoo and flea collars. The blue colouring is simply food colouring, or a pigment also used for colouring products such as craft paints, intended for identification purposes only.
Building with termite treated blue pine
- According to AS3660 when building to resist termite attack, the use of termite treated timber is approved, as is also the use of a barrier system. Do check with your local council to ensure the deemed-to-satisfy conditions are met
- In choosing termite treated pine, there are cost benefits for the builder – removes the need of a trade to install the barrier, and for the home owner –
- no annual inspections
- Assured with a 25-year termite protection guarantee from Timberlink and Hyne Timber, two of Australia’s largest and most trusted softwood producers
- Timberlink Blue and Hyne T2 treated timber blue pine has been used to frame hundreds of thousands of builds, without a single failure due to termite damage recorded
Upsides for homeowners
There are many pluses to using termite treated blue pine:
- Peace of mind with a 25-year warranty against structural termite damage
- Little to no post-construction maintenance, unlike other termite systems such as barriers, meshes and chemical sprays
- Safe for homeowners, visitors to their homes and their pets
- The value stacks up when comparing the average spend of $7000 to repair a termite attack, or much more in the worst cases
A green choice
When you choose timber for your building projects, you’re
helping to tackle climate change and renew our future.
What do we have to gain from wood?
- Like all trees, plantation pine trees absorb carbon dioxide – a greenhouse gas. A fully grown pine tree absorbs almost a tonne of carbon dioxide every year!
- The carbon remains locked up in the wood over its lifetime
- Timber is one of the few building materials that helps to reduce the greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change
- Blue timber from Dahlsens is sourced from Australian sustainably managed plantation forests, thanks to trusted producers Timberlink and Hyne Timber
- Termite treated blue pine is an organic solution free from petrochemical products
Give your homes the advantage
Set your homes apart from competitors and showcase your commitment to enduring quality by offering a termite treated frame as a standard inclusion or optional extra.
What’s in it for you?
- A low-cost solution for you to differentiate your homes: the cost of upgrading a home to termite treated blue pine is negligible across the total cost
- Offering termite treated blue pine as an upgrade option for home buyers could lead to more profit
- Home buyers will appreciate the small initial outlay for the substantial peace of mind. After all, they won’t need to upgrade the frame down the track
Interested in switching to termite treated blue pine or want to know more? Talk to your local store or account manager.